A Best-in-Class
iOS App

A five book series

> join 2,275 iOS devs and designers

57th update is now live!

Proven tips and techniques to take apps from good to great.


Your App

Harness and master accessibility APIs in UIKit and SwiftUI

// Learn about... // Rotor Control // Switch Control // VoiceOver // Voice Control // And More!

iOS technologies and frameworks demystified.

SiriKit, Widgets and friends ❤️.

Get cozy with user experience to create lifelong fans.

I ❤️ this app!

Learn design. Tailored just for iOS. We'll answer questions like...

When do I use one of these...

...or one of those?


Or, stuff like is this the right color? What about if this font weight or that one works better?

Book Series Contents

Series Intro

Welcome · How to use these books · What's not in the book series

Book I. Accessibility

Introduction: An Accessible Mindset · The 10,000 Foot View: The Basics · VoiceOver · The Rotor Control · Custom and System Actions · The Switch Control · Voice Control · Customized Accessibility Content · Behaviors Overview · Focus · Reading Content · Image Adjustments · Textual Context · Navigation Considerations · Dynamic Type · Adaptable Interfaces · Posting and Consuming Accessibility Notifications · User Preferences in SwiftUI · Convenience Functions · Contextual Scenarios · SwiftUI Techniques · Accessibility Inspector · Accessibility Shortcuts · Are You Done?

Book II. Design

Introduction: Can you learn design? · What, Exactly, Is Your App? · Embracing Scattering Thoughts · The Fidelity Problem · Finding Your App's Voice · Navigation · Bars · Tactful Modality · Feedback and Reinforcement · Color · Copy · Playfulness · Gestures · Dynamic Type · Device Considerations · Feeling at Home · Keep or Cut

Book III. User Experience

Introduction: Easy Flying · Onboarding · Launch Time · On Demand Resources · Scrolling Performance · Quick Look Preview · In-App Purchases and Subscriptions · Search · Loading States · State Restoration · Custom View Controller Transitions· Localization and Internationalization · Micro Animations · Haptics · Undo and Redo · Context Menus · Reloading Data · Leveraging Keyboard Experiences · The Pointer on iPadOS · Handoff · SF Symbols · Getting Data In and Out · Controller Considerations · Your App's Website

Book IV. iOS APIs and Frameworks

Introduction: The Heart of iOS · App Clips · AirPrint · CloudKit · Dark Mode · Drag and Drop · Reacting to Low Power Mode · Live Photos · Machine Learning · Maps · Multiple Windows · Notifications · PencilKit · Security and Privacy · Safari Services · Siri Shortcuts · Share and Actions Extensions · Spotlight Search · Quick Actions · VisionKit · WebKit · WidgetKit · URL Schemes

Bonus Handbook. Tips from over a Decade of iOS Development

Book Series Package Bonus
Introduction: Sharpening your Skillset · Argument and Launch Environment Variables · Property List Keys to Consider · simctl · vmmap · plutil · Leveraging Schemes · Development Assets · How to Focus

A perfect companion for iOS development.

Because this is the book series
that never ends...

The challenge with technical books is they might be outdated once they ship. APIs change, frameworks deprecate and new ones show up. But nope, nuh-uh and not(where: here). This is a living, breathing document that's continually updated.

Value ++
Buy Once, Benefit Forever

Always enjoy free updates. The version you buy today is the shortest version you'll ever own. As iOS changes, you'll get best-in-class tips in best-in-class books.

No Compromises
SwiftUI or UIKit? How about both.

Enjoy complete code samples in both SwiftUI and UIKit written in Swift. The code you see in the books can be directly referenced in the companion app, and you've got the source code too. Peek it open, see how things tick.

For You...
...and them too. New to iOS? Here since iPhoneOS?

Whether you're brand new to iOS or have been here for a long time, this book series is for you. Can you stand up a Core Data stack with your eyes closed but could use some help with design? I got you. Don't even know what SiriKit is? I'll help you two get introduced.

Books you can talk to.

Connect with other indie developers, iOS enthusiasts and more in a private Discord server. Make some new buddies, chat with the author, see what's coming next and suggest new topics to be considered for the book series.

Code samples directory

An Xcode project with a code sample directory split chapter by chapter. See concepts in action and dig through the source code you'll see in the books.

Ready? Let's go.

Buy any book in the series for $30.00 and enjoy free updates. Or, get the entire series (plus bonuses) for $90 and save 25%. The book series comes complete with a sample project, and a bonus Tips journal. It's packed with advice from over a decade of iOS experience that you can read in in five minutes or less.

With over 57 updates, rest assured we'll keep current. View the for more details. Buy the series now and get:


Here's some of what others are saying...

Ryan Nystrom @_ryannystrom

I’ve used Jordan’s “best in class” list on several apps. Looking forward to this!

Sean Allen @seanallen_dev

I’m picking this up. Congrats Jordan!

Krzysztof Zabłocki @merowing_

All the apps I've released have been featured by Apple in one form or another, I made Apple Essential, Best of Year and was nominated for ADA. By the looks of what's in beta of @JordanMorgan10's book I can easily say it will be my reference for all future products I make 👌👏

Cameron Deardorff @camdeardorff

If anyone can pack a book full of Best-in-Class iOS app making knowledge it’s Jordan. Worth every penny, thumbs up!

Mark Moeykens @BigMtnStudio

Jordan has been busy putting together his book of best-in-class tips and tricks for iOS app building. He has successfully built and sold a world class app so he knows what he’s talking about. Get his book now for 20% off while in beta!

Shihab Mehboob @JPEGuin

If you want to make a 'best in class' iOS app, Jordan's new book will guide the way!

David Arve @davidarve

As an Indie iOS developer, I don’t think there’s any purchase as easy as this. If you want to make a _really_ great app, this is the place to start.

Ben Patterson @bennpatt_

If you’re an iOS Dev and bought ONE thing for the rest of your career to learn it should be this! 🔥👏🏽

Noah Gilmore @noahsark769

I’ve referred to @JordanMorgan10’s best in class iOS app blog post so many times and it’s been wonderful to follow his progress on the book version. Highly recommend for my fellow independent app developers

Curtis Herbert @parrots


Tanmay @tanmays

Insta-buy for any dev/designer working on Apple platform.

Sedat @iosedat

@JordanMorgan10 is one of the most skilled devs in our community. His content will take you further for sure!

Tyler Hillsman @thillsman

If you’re an iOS developer and you haven’t already bought this book (why haven’t you, it’s been out two whole hours!), you should buy this book. Ridiculous thorough and high-quality tips from a developer who cares about quality.

See more

Meet the Author


Jordan Morgan



email (Siri found in Mail)


My name is Jordan, and I've been making award-winning apps for the iOS platform since iOS 4. My most recent app, Spend Stack, was acquired.

Before its acquisition, it won awards, was frequently covered by the press, showcased by Apple's editors since its release, featured as App of the Day and chosen to be a retail demo in stores.

Along the way, I've learned a lot about design and what it means to be a great platform citizen. I keep a running list of how to make your apps best-in-class here, and it's the inspiration for this book series.